Support for Financial PANs and Device PANs

The 16-digit primary account number (PAN) that is typically printed or embossed on a card is often referred to as the Financial PAN or FPAN.

This number contains the issuer's Bank Identification Number (BIN) as the first six or eight numbers.

The FPAN can be tokenised (converted into a unique digital payment token - the device PAN or DPAN) that can be used in payments and prevents the need to expose or store actual card details. The DPAN can be used to make purchases from merchant websites or from linked devices such as smart phones and wearables like smart watches and rings.

Both Mastercard and Visa offer a tokenisation service to card issuers. When the DPAN is created, the Card Scheme records the details of the mapping between the DPAN and FPAN in their systems. When cardholders use the DPAN at a Merchant store or website, an authorisation request is sent to the Card Scheme, which maps the DPAN to the FPAN and forwards the transaction, containing the FPAN details, to Thredd for authorisation.

Changing the Status of the DPAN and FPAN

Thredd provides two options for handling card DPAN and FPAN statuses:

  • When authorisation checks are made on the card, the FPAN and DPAN status are checked. If either is blocked, the transaction will be declined.

  • When authorisation checks are made on the card, only the DPAN status is checked. If the DPAN is blocked, the transaction will be declined.

For more information, see the Tokenisation Service Guide.